
Constructing symmetric representations of SL(2,Z).

Version 1.1
Released 2022-11-26

This project is maintained by Samuel Wilson

GAP Package SL2Reps

The SL2Reps package provides provides methods for constructing and testing matrix presentations of the representations of SL(2,Z) whose kernels are congruence subgroups of SL(2,Z).

The current version of this package is version 1.1, released on 2022-11-26. For more information, please refer to the package manual. The manual is also available as a PDF file. There is also a README file.


This package requires GAP version >= 4.10


Siu-Hung Ng, Yilong Wang, Samuel Wilson.


Please, cite this package as

[NWW22] Ng, S.-H., Wang, Y. and Wilson, S., SL2Reps, Constructing symmetric representations of SL(2,Z)., Version 1.1 (2022)
(GAP package),

You can get more info by typing Cite("SL2Reps"); in the gap prompt.


For bug reports, feature requests and suggestions, please use the issue tracker.