
Constructing symmetric representations of SL(2,Z).

Version 1.1
Released 2022-11-26

This project is maintained by Samuel Wilson

This package, `SL2Reps`, provides methods for constructing and testing matrix
presentations of the representations of SL(2,Z) whose kernels are congruence subgroups of SL(2,Z).

Irreducible representations of prime-power level are constructed individually by using the Weil representations of quadratic modules, and from these a list of all representations of a given degree or level can be produced. The format is designed for the study of modular tensor categories in particular, providing
symmetric matrix presentations of each representation.


To install `SL2Reps`, first download it from ``, then place it in the `pkg`
subdirectory of your GAP installation (or in the `pkg` subdirectory of any other GAP
root directory, for example one added with the `-l` argument).

`SL2Reps` is then loaded with the GAP command

`gap> LoadPackage( "SL2Reps" );`


Siu-Hung Ng, Louisiana State University (``)

Yilong Wang[^1], Louisiana State University (``)
Samuel Wilson, Louisiana State University (``) [^1]: Currently at Beijing Institute of Mathematical Science and Applications (BIMSA). Acknowledgements This project is partially supported by NSF grant DMS 1664418.